Hello there! Thanks for stopping by my store and a Happy New Year to all!
January has came in cold so stay in and shop around!
The search continues for reliable suppliers focusing on USA manufacturing quality products for you to consider, so visit the site often because I add, delete and discount products often, so if you see something you really love, get it!
When ordering a wedding gown or event dress, please allow sufficient time for production and shipping. Custom made allow 7 to 8 weeks. Please provide your measurements and event date if there is one. When measuring for your dress refer to the MEASUREMENT GUIDE for the specific manufacturer, or click on the measurement guide link below. Nine times out of 10 you will want your gown altered a little or a lot to truly become “YOUR” wedding gown. Be sure to locate a knowledgeable dressmaker that can help you with your alterations, if you are in Ohio, contact me and I can recommend a few. Your relationship with the person that is going to be doing your alterations is a big deal. Be kind.
Be sure to browse the many other items in my shop while planning your wedding day or special event.
I will always welcome your suggestions and constructive conversation. No hate, I am all about LOVE and PRETTY around here! If you see something you love or if you would like to see more of an item, send me a message!
Please feel free to reach out respectfully if something isn’t right. I can control some things, but others I cannot. Please no soliciting. Send me your advertising through snail mail.
Thank you so much for supporting my small business!
Happy Shopping!